
PADI Courses - Continue Diving

Todos los cursos estan dirigidos bajo la supervisión de un instructor profesional PADI.

PADI Adventure Dive

PADI Adventure Dive

En este curso puedes obtener más experiencia superior al nivel Open Water, al hacer 3 inmersiones Aventuras.Puedes elegir tres inmersiones de entre de 10 Inmersiones Aventuras, por ejemplo fotografía digital, flotabilidad...

PADI Adventure Diver

In the PADI Adventure Diver course you can get more experience beyond Open Water Diver level by doing three Adventure Dives. You can choose the dives from more than 15 Adventure Dives, for example a digital underwater photography dive, drift dive, wreck dive, boat dive, multilevel and computer dive, deep dive or peak performance buoyancy.

PADI Advanced Diver

PADI Advanced Diver

Durante el curso PADI Avanzado obtienes más experiencia superior al nivel Open Water, haciendo cinco Inmersiones Aventuras. Imprescindibles son las inmersiones profunda y navegación.

PADI Rescue Diver

PADI Rescue Diver

Después del curso PADI Advanced Diver, puedes inscribirte en el curso PADI Rescate. Este curso te ayudará a desarrollar las técnicas de rescate y auto rescate, así como a desarrollar las posibilidades de gestionar una situación de emergencia.

Prior to participating in the Rescue Diver course you need to prove successfully completion of a course in CPR (Primary Care) and basic first aid (Secondary Care) within the past two years. If you haven’t done such a course yet, you can participate in the Emergency First Response course which we also offer.

PADI Master Scuba Diver

PADI Master Scuba Diver

El curso PADI Divemaster es el primer nivel de los niveles profesionales del buceo recreativo. Trabajando estrechamente con nuestros Instructores PADI, en este programa amplías tus conocimientos de buceo y mejoras tus técnicas hasta un nivel profesional.

PADI Divemaster

PADI Divemaster

The PADI Divemaster course is the entry to become a professional diver. Working closely with our PADI Instructors, you expand your diving knowledge and skills to a professional level. You develop leadership abilities through both classroom and independent study. Knowledge development, water skills, stamina exercises and training exercises to improve you ability to organize and solve problems are all part of the course. After successfully completion of this course you are qualified to supervise dive activities and assist instructors with student divers. This course should take at least 1 month, but the more time you have the better, to put everything you learn into practise.

PADI Elearning diving courses


By Spanish law, the minimal age for all courses is 14 years


  • DSD in confined water (minimum age 12 years)
  • Project AWARE Specialty (no minimum age)
  • EFR (no minimum age)
  • DAN Oxygen Provider

For all courses a medical statement signed by a doctor is required

About YellowSub Tarifa

Av. de la Constitución, 6
11380, Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain

Phone: +34 956 680 680

Mobile: +34 655 813 064

Mobile: +34 655 813 046

E-mail: [email protected]